Pictures and Stories

This is a work in progress, The stories I have posted on here so far, are stories that Grandma told me when I video taped her. I have noticed I have lost some of the information and need to update some of the stories. I just need the time to re-watch the videos and translate them. When I redo them It will be word for word, My question followed my her answer. The format I have used so far is that I put a book together for her 90th Birthday. After watching the video again this last month, I'm thinking of changing it

If you have any stories, Pictures of Grandma, and Grandpa please pass them on. Also you can comment after each posting.

Also if you know all the people in the pictures, I wouldn't mind adding them also. I also still more photo to upload.

Thank You.
Kimberly (Laub) Thurston

Memorial Day

When Memorial day cam. We take our chairs up and set in the shade. It was just like being on Vacation. When the ones who would come from out of town to put flowers on the grave we would sit around and visit awhile.   I would leave the flowers on the grave for 3 or 4 days. And then I would take the real flowers and throw them away and I would gather up the others and put them in a big box, then the next year I would put them out again. It was funny that I could remember the biggest part of them. What grave I took them off from then it got where there was enough of them that every grace had something.   David as just a little thing and I would take him to the commentary. And this one day he said, Mom I’m tired of my entire Grandmas’ and Grandpa’s being up in the cemetery I want a grandma and Grandpa. I said then pick someone in the town to be your Grandparents. And he picked Washington and Beth. Everyday he had to go see Beth and Washington and I had to have something for him to take too. He wasn’t going to go empty handed he wanted them to have something. But that was his grandpa and grandma.   I was cutting the lawn at the cemetery and I picked up all the trash and stuff and putting it out on the outside of the fence so I could bun it. It just got going good and I seen 4 boys coming up the rode. And I thought I shouldn’t had burned that out there. The first thing those little boys would do is go out to that fire. And so those big bushes that are all along there I was watering those with the hose. And I thought I’ll just stay here and watch and if they get playing with it to bad I’ll just tell them to leave it alone. They did they all came up to the fire they all picked up a stick to move that fire around. And one said. Do you remember that bible story about that burning bush? Ya, they remembered that all at once the little boy spoke up one of Thela Mules the oldest one spoke up. Hey, does the same woman own the cemetery that owns the church? Ya, then he says no remember mama said she don’t own it she just thinks she does. That was worth a million dollars. Those two same boys every Sunday I had to pull out of the curtains down that made the class rooms. Every Sunday had them two little boys to pull out of them curtains they would get themselves all tangles up in them and they couldn’t’ get out. Nope she doesn’t own it she just thinks she does.   When you have a job like that you need to think you own it to keep it clean. Everything he was speaking in our word he would come over and everything he would mention the same thing he said I went just like this over everything today and how good it was not to have any dust. I don’t think he ever liked me very much but that one thing he always said about me.

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